Page 10 - cocfacilitiesmasterplan20172022
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                he 2017-2022 Santa Clarita Community College District - College of the Canyons Facilities Master Plan is organized into three sections:

         •     Planning Principles

         •     Campus Analysis

         •     Recommendations

        The Planning Principles were established more than 15 years ago, when Santa Clarita Community College District and KBZ Architecture planning
        teams prepared the 2002 College of the Canyons and the Canyon Country Campus master plans. Since that time, the planning principles have
        served as the primary guideposts for the planning, design and construction of infrastructure and development projects, renovations and new
        building construction at both campuses.  These planning  principles are just as valid and useful today as they were over the past 15 years -- they are
        restated and reapplied in this master plan.

        The Campus Analysis section focuses on the campuses’ vehicular and pedestrian circulation resources and patterns and available parking resources
        for under-construction, planned, and future facilities.

        The Recommendations section outlines specific recommendations on site development projects, proposed new facilities, and renovations of
        existing facilities. Each is designed to conform with the Educational Master Plan and to address the primary objectives identified during the
        planning process. This section contains graphics, written descriptions and architectural sketches to present a comprehensive picture of the 2022
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